Five Cool Space Facts For Your Kids

Five Cool Space Facts For Your Kids

Thousand stars light up the sky. The child watches with dreams in his eyes. 

 Mother and son teaming in Astronaut T-shirts

Space is a wonderous place that has captured the imagination of human beings since time immemorial. We have put together these Five Fascinating Astronaut and Space Facts for kids to get them enthused about Science and Space Exploration. Here we go:

  1. Do you know that Astronauts can grow up to 3% taller in space? When they return to earth their height returns to normal. 
  2. Astronauts going to the International Space Station must learn English and Russian. This is because the International Space Station has modules and operations in Russian too.
  3. The first woman in space was Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, who ventured into space in 1963.
  4. Astronauts can laugh in space easily but if they cry the tears do not fall and stay on their face due to lack of gravity.
  5. Jupiter, Saturn , Uranus and Neptune have no solid surface. You won't be able to walk on these planets. And, if you could fly a plane to Pluto, guess how many years would the trip take More than 800 years!

If you are intrigued by the matters of space, do check out our Astronaut and Space Collection of T-shirts on our site on the link given below.

Select from the given designs or message us for custom design. Have fun as you team up with your kids in space tees and set off on a imaginary celestial journey. 

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